We want to introduce Brian Jarvi to you along with his powerful message on African Conservation.
What is happening in Africa has started in North America. Please view his short video, hear his message and the inspiration to complete the African Menagerie.
To see more of his work, head over to his website here.
“What’s happening in Africa is disturbing, but it is reflective of problems affecting wildlife around the world. It is my hope that African Menagerie will serve as a catalyst to wake people up.”
Meet OIPA- Cameroon
The International Organization for Animal Protection—Cameroon has undertaken some truly remarkable projects, such as planting over 11,780 trees in the Chomba Community Forest and Kedjom Keku Forest; and training 116 youths in tree planting, monitoring, and sustainable forest management. These numbers reflect the scale of their impact and the potential for even greater achievements.
One of their most impactful projects was an animal welfare education outreach program that extended into 120 primary schools and benefited 18,066 children, who were educated on animal welfare, care, and management.
OIPA - Cameroon is the sole animal welfare organization in the country, and as such, we’d like to spotlight them for their efforts for conservation and animal welfare.
At some point in the future, LongView is looking forward to working with OIPA - Cameroon.
OIPA – International Organization for Animal Protection – is a non-governmental and non-profit animal welfare organization that works in defence of animal rights and for the protection of animals from cruelty, abuse and exploitation at worldwide level.
The organization was founded in Switzerland in 1981 by Mrs. Milly Shär Manzoli and belongs to the Union for the Abolition of Vivisection.
OIPA is associated with the UN Department of Global Communications, the UN Economic and Social Council, accredited by the UN Environment Assembly and Programme, and listed as a representative of interests in the Transparency Register of the European Commission. It is recognized as 501 (c) (3) public charity and it is member of the Aquatic Animal Alliance (AAA), the Global Waste Cleaning Network (GWCN), and observer of the World Federation for Animals (WFA).